Q: Greg - I am new to Travel Nursing and find obtaining proper licenses confusing. Can you help?
Medical Travel Remains Popular
Greg –
With lower pay rates and fewer jobs, is it still worthwhile to be a medical travel professional?
Absolutely! Travel medical professionals continue to be the most attractive candidates for openings in Healthcare Systems. Why? Travelers have experience working with various managerial styles, are quick to learn, and are highly adaptable to different personalities, processes, and policies. After skill sets, flexibility and communication skills are the most desired qualities Healthcare Systems seek. There’s no better way to reflect these skills on a resume than through Traveling.
Traveling still allows a professional to learn new skills, gain experience in other specialties, and explore the United States. There are indeed fewer jobs available at less pay compared to those openings during the Pandemic, but the Traveler still controls how and when they work.
The Traveler controls the submittal process. The old motto “Be Prepared” was never more applicable. The Traveler who submits an updated resume with a minimum of two managerial references quickly is the traveler who gets submitted. Be advised: we have found that if the facility has more than five qualified submittals in hand and one is not yours, you have missed that opportunity.
The Traveler controls the interview process. Recruiters are most inclined to work with those candidates who are prepared to send their documents quickly, communicate quickly, and display less post-placement risk (ghosting, requests outside of the job description, and disrupted time frame) even if they are less qualified. If travelers are ready to “go”, recruiters are ready to work for them.
The Traveler controls his future. Full time employee burnout and retirements are increasing nationally while less graduates are produced. This combination is expected to create the continued need for Travelers to augment staffing needs. The Traveler that has flexibility in location and environment and is easy to work with will find openings to keep them busy.
If you’re feeling stuck in your career and want to enhance your talent by gaining new skills, enhancing your patient care tactics, and working in various settings, traveling may be your true calling in 2025.
Watch “ASK GREG” for more tips for success as we travel in 2025.
Have a burning question? Email me (Greg).
Medical Travel Remains Popular