Are you wondering why you aren’t getting the positions that you apply for? Healthcare travel in 2024 is trending to be more competitive and requires quicker response time from recruiters and applicants to land available assignments.

Featured Traveler: David B., OR RN
A Lifetime of Service
David B., our November Featured Traveler, grew up in Tampa, FL. After completing high school at the age of 17, David joined the Air Force and, unbeknownst to him, started his journey of service to others. He was stationed in various locations throughout the U.S. and then sent to serve in Desert Storm. After his tour, David came home, retired from the Air Force, and started his search for a new career.
Community College seemed to David to be the logical “next step” in finding the path to both maximize his skills and his income. It was during his second year in school that one of his professors suggested that David investigate Nursing. David applied and was accepted into the Watts School of Nursing, a diploma RN program, and then graduated two years later. In January 1999, after passing the NCLEX, David started working as an OR Nurse where he learned to scrub and circulate a variety of cases.
Throughout the years David has worked as both a Staff Nurse and a Travel Nurse. David’s reasoning is as follows: “Travel Nursing allows me to look over a town, get a feel for the facility, and decide if it will suit my family’s needs. You won’t get this kind of opportunity with a traditional interview and a quick drive through the town. It also allows me to assess if the OR Staff is happy with their jobs or if I should continue looking at other opportunities. “
David also has this to say about his Travel Nursing experience: “I’ve seen some spectacular scenery and learned so many things that have helped me take great care of my patients. I’ve worked assignments in Colorado, Texas, Idaho, North Carolina and twice in Hawaii!”
Why does David choose to work with Convergence? “The quick application process, free medical insurance, good assignment/facility choices and the pay.”
How about David’s recruiter? “Terri, my recruiter, is fantastic at her job and as a person. With both of us being from the South, we are compatible, understand each other’s culture and share a tremendous mutual respect for one another.”
Convergence is a company that gives real world, personal attention to their travelers. Whether you have questions regarding benefits, pay, or any other needs you will be put in touch with the right person to help you out – no machines, long hold times, or leaving messages that don’t get answered. You can’t find that just anywhere.
David, thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. Now we would like to give you some feedback of our own. We don’t often see a nurse with your background of service, your expertise, or your work ethic. We want to thank you on behalf of Convergence, your patients and our Nation for your devotion and service.
Featured Traveler: David B., OR RN